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David Kyffin


One of my first jobs was working for the Royal Automobile Club acquiring new clients for their breakdown service. I was given a cost per acquisition and volume targets and was told to figure it out. I’ve always remembered the satisfaction of achieving those numbers. A focus on campaign outcomes and accountability became the mantra which has guided my career ever since.

Looking for a bigger challenge, I moved to the advertising agency side and developed responsive techniques for DRTV with ITV for Army recruitment and National Savings ads. We were the first to use 0800-numbers in TV campaigns. My next stop was setting up a telemarketing company to handle and analyze TV-ad responses. The company was acquired, so I then established a specialist creative and media agency. That company was also acquired, but that acquisition started me on a 25-year journey with WPP: first as MD of Direct and Digital at Mediacom UK, followed by joining a small team of 6 to establish GroupM: now a multi-billion dollar enterprise. I returned to Mediacom as Global Chief ROI Officer, solving some of the hardest problems for some of the largest companies in the world.

I’ve long worried about the effect Big Tech companies operating auction-based ad models have had on consumers and brands alike. Adspend has grown, and so has the average cost per order companies pay. Those inflated costs are inevitably passed on to the consumer. Thankfully, ChaChing reverses this trend whilst helping consumers too and now we have the opportunity to help a lot of people.